We ask for your attention:
We have reached our capacity limit. We are currently unable to accept new guests.
If there is a specific emergency, please report to the office.
If you are already a guest of Tafel Reichenbach, please make an appointment in good time!
Thank you for your understanding!
Your team of Tafel Reichenbach
New Rules for the Guets of Foodbank
The number of people, who are sick on Covid 19 is very high in our area, the Vogtlandkreis.
Thatswhy we deccided to introduce the 3-G-rule in our rooms.
That means:
If you are vaccinated, recovered or tested, you can enter the foodbank.
Tests are possible in the testcenter , Cunsdorfer Straße in Reichenbach or if you have a test of your own – in the second floor (plaese ask in the office of the foodbank).
If you have any quetions, please mail to us !

A nice “Thank you” to us
The Wetzl family from Mylau made an appeal on Facebook to help us with masks. And not only that, there was also a nice thank you.
THANKS for the friendly support !
Thank you! 20 masks for our volunteers
Corona changes a lot (Status 16.03.2020)
The Tafel Reichenbach informs about the changed modalities of food distribution in the next days:
The distribution of food continues
Monday: 13:30 to 15:30
Wednesday: 13:30 to 15:30
Friday: 11:00 to 12:30
The waiting area remains closed until further notice. We kindly ask the guests of Tafel Reichenbach not to come before the opening hours.
Admission takes place individually and with the request to use the disinfectant provided.
Please follow the instructions and instructions of the staff.
Inquiries are possible at any time under 03765 717893.
Please note possible changes. We try to communicate these as soon as possible.
Please stay healthy!
Review of the year 2019
At first the most important figures of ou statistics – but not so seriously
Can you imagine 47 african elephants walking through the Vogtland to Fritz-Ebert-Straße in Reichenbach? They don´t. But 47 elephants equals the 281 tons of fooddonations the volunteers collected in 2019.
Our Drivers didn´t take part in Cannonball Race. But they drove a distance from Reichenbach over Berlin, Amsterdam, Lissabon, Gibraltar to Equatoiral Guinea and one time around the equator.
Our volunteers worked 23,000 Hours without payment. Thats a calculated 2.6 years. Thank you for giving your time for foodbank and the people, who need our help.
In the year 2019 we counted 11,948 vistis in our foodbank. we helped 11,948 times to fill the plates.
But we also organized a party for childrens day, the everyyaer “Tafeltag” whether ist summer heat or the Advent market, on the only cold day this winter – he foodbank was present.
Now ist time to say “Thank you!” to the supermarkets, discounters, bakers, private gardeners and beekeepers for their fooddonations.
But there are also the conveying members, who give regularly money and other donors as well who help us to pay for different costs. Representative of everyone we would to mention the Company Schott-Winter from Lengenfeld, the Vogtlandbahn, the Volksbank Vogtland, “Sternquell hilft” such as municipality of Reichenbach, the distrikt Vogtlandkreis and the state of Saxnoy.
The next “Thank you!” goes to des Custumers of Rewe for the donated foodbags, to the costumers of Lidl for donation of bottle deposit an last but not least to the costumers of dm-market in Fraureuth for the tree of wisches for Christmas.
Thanks to all!
In 2020 we hope to continue the good collaboration with all our donors and helpers.
In own case
We have to say “Sorry” to all our friends and followers. Our donors wait for the words “Thank you!”, but it ie not our mistake.
Due to technical Problems our articles publishedat the end of December have disappeared. We do not know what kind of problems there are, nor can we do anything about them.
Now we ask you to read the article “Review of the year 2019”. It will pubolished next week.
20 years foodbank in Reichenbach – a reason to have a party?
It started with a handful guests and some donors of food. One donated car went every day to the supermarkets and bakeries to collected food from them. Sometimes the volunteers went with their private cars to the donors.
In those 20 years a lot of changes happened.
In 2003 the volunteers founded an association to save the foodbank. In 2005 the Reichenbacher Tafel moved to a new domicile, the “Haus der Vereine” because the rooms in the old one were to small.
Today we help 200 to 300 people a week, more than 50 donors give us the food to help. Our drivers go with two new refrigerate vehicles to collect this. In our rooms we have a cold room and a cooling rack because we have to secure the cool chain.
All this equipment was possible to buy because a lot of people donated money for this, for example the customer of Lidl – they donated the bottle deposit. Last year we could buy some hygienic aluminum tables and a new cabinet for work clothes.
Every week 200 to 300 people come to the foodbank to get bread, cake, vegetables, fruits and so on. The volunteers and we help gladly, but we want to stop our work immediately, if all people can life from their income.
A jubilee is time for saying Thanks to all the people, who helped to go this way. As first we thank the volunteers. Some of them worked, in the last year alone more than 1000 hours without payment. Our eldest volunteer will celebrate her 80th Birthday in the summer and she stays young by working with us.
Secondly we thank all our donors. If the supermarkets and bakeries don’t give the food to us, the tables stay empty. If there is no one, who donates money, the vehicles stand still and the guests cannot get help.
At the moment we look for drivers for our refrigerate vehicles. If you have a driver licence and you are able to drive such a car, you can call us: 03765 717893.
Happy Easter!
Many Thanks for the help last years and weeks to our volunteers!
We wish you a diligent Easter Bunny and many sweets for the children.
Have some nice days!
The Team of foodbank